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Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
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Prof. Dr. med. Gerassimowitsch

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information
in Digital Pharmaceutics

Prof. Dr. med.
G. Gerassimowitsch


The application of
Medical Resonance
Therapy Music®
for in-patient and
out-patient treatment

Extract from a guest lecture
at the medical faculty
at the University of Magdeburg

We medical professionals are united by the desire to help sick people. In order to achieve this noble aim, we not only use medicinal and surgical methods, but also devote ourselves to methods without the use of drugs which have lately become far more widespread.

Mu­sic is one of the old­est remedies; it is an old com­pan­ion to cura­tive treat­ments. As long ago as 600 years BC, Pythagoras be­lieved that mu­sic pos­sessed far greater heal­ing pow­ers than other remedies, emphasizing the uni­ver­sal­ity of mu­sic in heal­ing of both body and soul. Pythagoras’s claim was sub­stan­ti­ated by Aristotle: he claimed that man’s pur­suit of beauty was not just a matter of whim, but be­longed to the in­dis­pen­sa­ble at­trib­utes of hu­man ex­is­tence.

Ibn Sina did not only study the ef­fects of the mu­sic on the sick, but re­searched eve­ry as­pect of this phe­nome­non, in­clud­ing its ef­fect on healthy peo­ple. This opened up the pos­si­bil­ity of us­ing the mu­sic as one of the most pow­er­ful pre­ventative remedies against mental illnesses.

Mu­sic has a non-spe­cific, stimu­lat­ing, sympatholytic and seda­tive ef­fect on the or­gan­ism (G. Schipulin, Kohler et al). How­ever, Peter Hübner’s mu­sic is a new mu­si­cal phe­nome­non. The com­pli­cated char­ac­ter of the sound, its reso­nance, and other char­ac­ter­is­tics proba­bly have a very strong in­flu­ence on the or­gan­ism. That is the rea­son why in the last 6 years, in many coun­tries of the world, Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® has suc­cess­fully es­tab­lished it­self both as a part of com­plex treat­ment and also as an in­de­pend­ent method in vari­ous medi­cal fields: in neu­rol­ogy, car­di­ol­ogy, pul­monol­ogy, pre and post-natal medi­cine, geri­at­rics, etc.

For two years, Peter Hübner’s Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® has been suc­cess­fully used in sev­eral hos­pi­tals in Bela­rus as a cura­tive treat­ment with­out drugs: in obstetrics and gy­ne­col­ogy, in car­di­ol­ogy, in pe­di­at­rics, in en­do­cri­nol­ogy, re­sus­ci­ta­tion, etc. Here, I would like to re­port on some as­pects of us­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® in obstetrics and gynecology.

“So last year, as a re­sult of us­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, we had no more se­ri­ous cases of toxe­mia, no com­pli­ca­tions in the post­op­era­tive pe­riod and a fall in the num­ber of pre­ma­ture births.”

Prof. Dr. med.    
G. Gerassimowitsch
In gy­ne­col­ogy, we have ex­plored this method as the main method in pre-op­era­tive prepa­ra­tion for rou­tine myomectomies, and it is in use to­day.

For com­pari­son there was a con­trol group compris­ing women who re­ceived a seda­tive dur­ing the pre-op­era­tive prepa­ra­tions.

All women from the first and sec­ond group were roughly the same age. In the case of all women, the cor­ti­sol level in the blood was de­ter­mined on the day of ad­mis­sion, the day of the op­era­tion and 10-12 days af­ter the op­era­tion.

This hor­mone was meas­ured be­cause it is an in­di­ca­tor for stress situa­tions (in this case, the op­era­tion it­self gave rise to such a stress situa­tion). As the data col­lected shows, the cor­ti­sol level in both groups is very high at the be­gin­ning: 995 nmol/l.

In the Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® group (in the fol­low­ing often re­ferred to as MRT-Mu­sic® group), a sharp fall in the level of this hor­mone (by 39%) was re­corded af­ter the mu­sic had been used, and this fall can be seen as re­sult­ing from the pre-op­era­tive prepa­ra­tion us­ing Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®.

In con­trast, the cor­ti­sol level in the con­trol group fell only very slightly (by 9.2%). Here, the pre-op­era­tive prepa­ra­tion had been car­ried out us­ing a con­ven­tional seda­tive ther­apy with drugs.

In the time fol­low­ing the op­era­tion, Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® was in­cluded in the first 10-12 days’ treat­ment of the first group. In the con­trol group con­ven­tional treat­ment meth­ods were ap­plied, that is, with­out Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic.

Meas­ure­ment of the cor­ti­sol level on the 12th day fol­low­ing the op­era­tion showed a fall by a fac­tor of 2.4 in the MRT-Mu­sic® group, whilst in the con­trol group it had only fallen by a fac­tor of 1.7. Fur­ther­more, the women in the first group re­ported, from a sub­jec­tive point of view, nor­mali­za­tion of their sleep and a marked im­prove­ment in mood, their blood pres­sure be­came nor­mal and their need for pain re­liev­ing me­di­ca­tion clearly fell.

Ad­di­tion­ally, the num­ber of cases of ane­mia in the MRT-Mu­sic® group was 15% lower than in the con­trol group. This shows us that, dur­ing the post-op­era­tive pe­riod, things went far bet­ter for the MRT-Mu­sic® group than for the con­trol group.

As­sess­ment of the emo­tional-per­sonal sphere of the pa­tients, car­ried out with the help of the Min­ne­sota Mul­ti­pha­sic Per­son­al­ity Index (MMPI), clearly showed that ini­tial MMPI pro­files re­vealed sig­nifi­cant in­di­vid­ual dif­fer­ences for the female pa­tients in terms of the norm val­ues – right up to clear psy­cho­pathic dis­or­ders, where the level of the in­di­vid­ual val­ues some­times reached 90 t-points. In the MRT-Mu­sic® group, an im­prove­ment in the men­tal state was reg­is­tered at 88.9%, de­te­rio­ra­tion at 11.1%. In the con­trol group the cor­re­spond­ing val­ues were 10% and 20%. The en­tire av­er­age MMPI pro­file af­ter treat­ment with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® never ex­ceeded a read­ing of 50-55 t-points, which in­di­cates a com­plete nor­mali­za­tion of the men­tal func­tions.

As such, Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is a good and ef­fec­tive method with­out the use of drugs for pre­par­ing pa­tients for sur­gery, as well as be­ing of great as­sis­tance in the post-op­era­tive phase. It helps to re­duce the stress status prior to sur­gery and ensures far bet­ter pro­gress in the post-op­era­tive phase.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 105 Gynecological Disorders
Gynecological Disorders


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With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.