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peter hübner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Research Fields Summary

Health of the Nervous System






Multiple Sclerosis



Arterial Nerves of the Arteries

Mental & Sensory Abilities

Cardiovascular Health

Health of the Hormone System

Health of the Immune System

Health of the Regenerative System

Healthy Sleep

Healthy Blood

Faster Recovery

Less Medication

Vital Energy


Release of STRESS


Women’s Health



Gynecological Surgery

Other Gynecological Problems

Children’s Health

Health of the Elderly

Health of Ear, Nose & Throat

Reduction of Pain




Health of the Skin



Health of Mind & Senses


Psychological Health

Release of STRESS


Reduction of Anxiety

Courage to Face Life

Reducing Negative Values

Strengthening Positive Values



Exposure to Radioactivity

Mother & Child



Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations – Summary
Children’s Health
  • Effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on hemodynamic parameters in children with autonomic nervous system disturbances: The treatments with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® have a clear sympatholythic effect and lead the disturbed hemodynamic state of the child back to its healthy age norm. The greater effects of MRT-Music® treatments were seen in children with an initial absolute sympatheticotonia.

  • Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress: due to the deep harmonization, it was possible to completely abstain from using tranquilizers in the treatment of children suffering from radiation sickness with hearing abnormalities.
    The children liked the treatment with MRT-Music® very much, for them it was a great subjective and calming experience, especially for the age group 13-14 years. Due to MRT-Music® we did not need to use tranquilizers during the treatment for most of the children.

  • Improvement in function of the infantile hearing organ in children suffering from radiation sickness with hearing abnormalities: reduction of the negative pressure by 10-15 mm in 57% of the children with tubal disorder and significant improvement of the sound-transmission capability – an indirect sign of a better functioning of the hearing organ; in 5% of the children with conductive deafness a reduction of the bone-air interval of 10-15 dB; in one child exsudative atrophy in the tympanum.
    Audiograms and impedancometry documented a clear improvement in sound-transmission capability, which was subjectively confirmed by the children.

  • Improved immune status in children with hearing abnormalities and suffering from radiation sickness: Two weeks after the treatment the immunogram of 25% of the patients was normal. Normalization regarded the AMG-factor, cellular immunity and the t- and b-lymphocytes. In the rest of the patients immune status improved clearly.

  • Reduction of the blood pressure in children with a tonisympathic form of vegetative angiodystonia: a positive effect was already evident by the end of the first session and had stabilized after 2 days. The general health condition improved, the number of breaths per minute changed by 1.9 breaths, the systolic vascular pressure fell an average of 6.1 mm, the diastolic vascular pressure an average of 4.0 mm. In the control group the first improvements became evident at the end of the first or the start of the second week.

  • Reduction of heart frequency in children with a tonisympathic form of vegetative angiodystonia: A positive effect took place already after the first treatment and had stabilized already after 3-4 treatments (2 days). The general state of health improved, heart beats per minutes reduced by 5 beats on average.

  • Reducing irritability and improving composure in children with diabetes: In addition to the conventional treatment with diet and insulin preparations the 30 children in this group listened to Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for ten days, each day in the resting hour between 13 and 14 hours using headphones and compact disc. 80% of them experienced in this way a significant reduction of their irritability and showed greater composure.

  • Improvement of the psychosomatic state of children suffering from radiation sickness: prior to the treatment 59.1% of the children displayed great personal unrest, they felt great strain and had grave worries about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome of the treatment of their illnesses.
    Likely complications and side-effects arising from the various forms of treatment produced nervous reactions in them. After the treatment a significant dispersion of tension, a great reduction in fear about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome of the treatment of the illness, the decrease in worry and inhibitions and the decrease in nervous reactions was evident in all children.
    The percentage of children experiencing a high level of personal unrest fell from 59.1% to 22.7%.

  • Reinforcement of positive values in children suffering from radiation sickness: all of the children experienced a significant reduction or dispersion of their fears and worries and a significant fall in the level of personal unrest. In 40% of them the effects went far beyond the reduction of the negative characteristics.
    The evaluations showed above all: a growing feeling of joy, growing satisfaction and inner well-being, a deep feeling of restfulness after listening to the music and an increase in their creative powers. It was obvious how, through the calming and stress-dispersing influence of the MRT-Music®, through its reducing of the anxieties and worries and especially through the deep experience of positive values, the course of the somatic illness also became better.

  • Improvement in functions of the infantile hearing organ in 57% of a group of children suffering from radiation sickness with hearing abnormalities.

  • Normalization of high blood pressure occasioned by neural dysfunction in children with a hypertonic type of neurocirculatory dystonia: Normalization of the systolic and diastolic vascular pressure, of the average vascular pressure and of the arterial pressure, normalization of the heart rate and breathing.

  • Significant reduction in headaches in 80% of a group of children with diabetes, compared to no appreciable reduction in the control group.

  Mother and Child   For this indication please use the program:

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With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.