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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories

Peter Hübner
The Significance of the Soul
to Medicine

A lecture given by the classical composer and musicologist at the “Eleventh International Congress on Stress” of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STRESS in Hawaii.
“If we wish to help a hu­man be­ing ho­lis­ti­cally, then there is no higher natu­ral point of view, es­pe­cially in the area of health, than to con­cen­trate on the soul – any­thing else can­not be re­garded as ho­lis­tic.

Our physi­ol­ogy is not ho­lis­tic. And in so far as we func­tion ho­lis­ti­cally – as we think ho­lis­ti­cally at all –, this is only the case, be­cause our self con­trols it in such a way.
This is my per­sonal opin­ion and ex­peri­ence. And it is also the state­ment made by Pythagoras, and for this rea­son he says: “The soul is the key to health”.

Thus, if we want to im­prove our health ho­lis­ti­cally and/or fun­da­men­tally, we have to start with the soul and not with our physiology.
Nor­mally the soul should control and/or govern our physi­ol­ogy. But nowa­days our physi­ol­ogy seems to gov­ern our soul or at least tries to do so.

As you know, Pythagoras was a phy­si­cian. He was also a com­poser, mu­si­cian, mathe­ma­ti­cian and phi­loso­pher; he gave the word “cos­mos” its pre­sent mean­ing, he cre­ated the word “mathe­mat­ics” as well as the word “phi­loso­phy”.
He was with­out any doubt one of the great­est think­ers in our his­tory – and it is no ac­ci­dent that we claim him to be the foun­der of our sci­en­tific age.

As far as his medi­cal teach­ing is con­cerned, Pythagoras taught his stu­dents at dif­fer­ent lev­els:

First of all, his train­ing con­cen­trated fun­da­men­tally on po­ten­tial doc­tors learn­ing to “hear” ill­ness – first of all for them­selves and then to “hear” the ill­ness of their pa­tients.

To­day we think this is im­pos­si­ble, but I can as­sure you that I my­self and sev­eral other peo­ple, who are ac­cus­tomed to lis­ten­ing to this Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® on a regu­lar basis – i.e. eve­ry day –, gradu­ally learn to hear the phe­nome­non of ill­ness inside them­selves, but also hear the par­ticu­lar dis­ease in an­other sick per­son en­ter­ing the room.

It is not that you would hear from there a tone or any sounds – but in some way or other, the mag­netic field or what­ever else it may be, man­ages to move from this per­son into our own brain and thoughts. And sud­denly we hear it within our­selves.

It is proba­bly easi­est to hear a cold.
I don’t know how many peo­ple have al­ready ex­peri­enced the sound of a cold – but the sound of a cold is very spe­cial, and it can also be: heard.

So, if a per­son with a cold en­ters the room, you can ei­ther feel it at once – even if one does not have a cold or not yet anyhow: But you think you have one.

But it may be that there are some peo­ple here at the con­fer­ence who feel some­thing like that di­rectly. Is that true?

(Some con­fer­ence par­tici­pants con­firmed that they know this ex­peri­ence – but mainly it is an in­stinct).

Hymns of the Domes No 1
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.