Medical Resonance Therapy Music
Medical Resonance Therapy Music® – Scientific Studies & Clinical Observations
Neurodermatitis & Psoriasis
Reducing Heart Rate in Patients Suffering from Neurodermatitis and Psoriasis
Investigators: Dr. med. Lazaroff, Dr. med. Shimshoni
The theme of investigation was in how far heart frequency could be reduced by Medical Resonance Therapy Music®.
Out of 68 patients suffering from neu­roder­ma­titis and psoriasis two experimental groups and two control groups were formed.

Experimental group 1 counted 28 neu­roder­ma­titis patients and experimental group 2 counted 20 psoriasis patients.

The two control groups counted 10 patients each. The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 60 years, the duration of the investigation was 2 weeks. Heart frequency was measured at the first, third, sixth and fourteenth day be­fore and after treatment with Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music®.

At the beginning the average heart frequency counted 85 beats per minute in all four groups.

At the first day of treatment the average heart frequency in the experimental groups reduced by 5 beats after the treatment.
This repeated at the third day of treatment.

At the sixth day heart frequency reduced by 10 beats on average after treatment.

At the fourteenth day of treatment average heart frequency after MRT-Music® treatment counted 70 beats per minute.

With proceeding MRT-Music® treatment heart frequency reduced increasingly, documenting a training effect in the treatment with MRT-Music®.

In the control groups no significant changes of heart frequency could be recorded.

Natural Medicine enters Scientific Medicine – through the doors of the Harmony Laws of the Microcosm of Music

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.