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Medical Resonance Therapy MusicHeadache / Migraine

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicSleep Disorders

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicGeneral Stress Symptoms

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicCardiac & Circulatory

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicNeurodermatitis / Psoriasis

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicDisorders of the Hormone & Immune System

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicNeurophysiological & Sensory Disorders

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicPains /
Post-operative Pains

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicPregnancy & Birth

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicGynecological Disorders

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicRelaxation

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicConcentration / Memory

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicCreativity

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicMental Distress / Fear

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicCourage to Face Life

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicVital Energy

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicHarmony

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicMother & Child

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicEpilepsy

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicProfessional Set 1

Medical Resonance Therapy MusicProfessional Set 2

Peter Hübner





Professional Set 1
for Medical Doctors, Therapists
Consists of the complete program, counting 77 CDs

While listening to the harmonic medical information
we recommend:

  • to sit comfortably or to lie down

  • to close the eyes

  • to simply allow the cosmic harmony laws to work

  • to ideally use headphones of good quality

  • to avoid outer disturbances

  • to listen as soft as possible

  • to listen only as loud as necessary – in order to possibly perceive all fine structural developments

  • to listen to the harmonic information for at least
    15-20 minutes

  • to listen to the cosmic harmony laws regularly

Harmonic Information – Medication of the Future from the Micro Music Laboratories®

Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic is not mu­sic in the usual sense, and is there­fore not used for en­ter­tain­ment, but purely for medi­cal pur­poses.
The beauty of the har­monic mu­sic prepa­ra­tions is aimed at in­di­vid­ual ac­cep­tance but be­yond the pleas­ant en­joy­ment of mu­sic na­ture’s laws of har­mony con­tained in the fine struc­tures of the Mi­cro­cosm of Mu­sic are of cen­tral medi­cal im­por­tance, as they alone cre­ate the posi­tive health ef­fects.

As was docu­mented on the con­fer­ence of the World Health Or­gani­sa­tion (WHO) “So­ci­ety, Stress and Health” the mu­sic prepa­ra­tions of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic have proven to be 4-8 times as ef­fec­tive for the re­lease of psycho-physio­logi­cal mani­fes­ta­tions of stress as a phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prepa­ra­tion.

Thus, they show strong sup­port­ing ef­fects on the heal­ing proc­ess in all stress re­lated ill­nesses.

Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic con­sists of a num­ber of medi­cal mu­sic prepa­ra­tions, ar­ranged ac­cord­ing to in­di­ca­tions, cre­ated in in­ter­na­tional co­op­era­tion with the mu­si­colo­gist and clas­si­cal com­poser Peter Hübner as well as with phy­si­cians for the natu­ral har­moni­sa­tion of body, mind and soul. This pro­ject for re­search and de­vel­op­ment is based on the works of the fa­mous phy­si­cian, mu­si­colo­gist and mathe­ma­ti­cian of the early Euro­pean his­tory, Pythagoras, as well as of many great sci­en­tists and think­ers fol­low­ing him, and their mutual in­ter­est in re­search­ing na­ture’s laws of har­mony in a pur­pose­ful sci­en­tific man­ner, and util­is­ing them for medi­cine and health.
The most mod­ern musi­co­logi­cal and medi­cal tech­nolo­gies are used nowa­days to re­al­ise this an­cient cen­tral idea of natu­ral medi­cine.

The music preparations of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® are the only of the government in Germany Pharmacy approved medical music preparations.

Thus, they are available under the code RRR in well over 20 000 German Pharmacies.