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Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations


  • Healing-inducing effects in blood formation after gynaecological surgery: At the end of the treatment only 26% of the women indicated anemia, compared to 39% in the control group. This indicates healing inducing effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in blood formation.
  • Faster recovery in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: The women could leave the hospital successfully treated al­ready after 9-11days – by 35% quicker than the patients in the control group.
  • Faster recovery of pregnant women at risk with a mild form of the OPH-syndrome: The cardiotocogram documented in 86% of the investigations a normalization of the state of the fetus. This was also subjectively confirmed by the pregnants who felt better and better. Already after the 6th sitting accelerations and vari­abil­ity of fetal heart beat had improved docu­ment­ing an improved function of the fetal-pla­cen­tal system. Treatment could be ended af­ter 12 days (±1) in this group.
  • Faster reduction of blood pressure in children with a tonisympathic form of vegetative angiodystonia: A positive effect took place already after the first treatment and had stabilized already after 3-4 treatments (2 days). The general state of health improved, breaths per minutes re­duced by 1,9 breaths on average, systolic blood pressure reduced by 6.1 mm hg on av­er­age, diastolic blood pressure by 4.0 mm hg.
  • Faster breakdown of the protein content in the urine of pregnant women with OPH-syndrome: Through the treatment with the Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® the protein content in the urine was broken down within 4-5 days.
  • Faster insulin process stabilisation in children with diabetes: 19 children (64%) experienced in this way a significantly faster insulin process stabilization and adaptability to the new state than the chil­dren in the control group.
  • Normalisation of the menstruation cycle – normalisation of dysfunctional juvenile uterine haemorrhaging: 9 girls regained ho­meo­sta­sis already at the fourth day of treat­ment, one girl reached it after taking synthetic progestine (preparation “phemodem”). By ap­ply­ing Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® the girls of this group could leave the hospital on average two days earlier than the girls in the control group.
  • Dissolution of clinical risk parameters in pregnant women under threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy: Already after 2-3 days of treatment with Medi­cal Resonance Therapy Music® the risk pa­rame­ters for loosing the child were gone in 60% of the women. In the time of day 5-7 they disappeared also in the remaining 40% of the patients.
  • Reduction of anodyne drugs after gynaecological surgery: The treatment with Medical Resonance Ther­apy Music® brought about a prolonged effect of the narcotic and anodyne drugs in 11 out of 14 women, which led to a clear reduction of these drugs.
  • Prolonged effect of anodyne drugs after gynaecological surgery: The treatment with Medical Resonance Ther­apy Music® brought about a prolonged effect of the narcotic and anodyne drugs in 11 out of 14 women, which led to a clear reduction of these drugs.
  • Reduction of medication for headaches in patients with severe migraines: At the end of the study a general reduction of migraine drugs had taken place, in single cases even by 70%.
  • Reduction of pain during labour in women with an initial inactivity of the uterus: Especially noteworthy is the following situa­tion: although the level of pain inhibiting hor­mones decreased the women did not ex­peri­ence a raise in pain but on the contrary re­ported of a clear decrease of pain. This implies that the pain reduction in the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® group is based on a complex reduction of pain cre­at­ing tensions in the muscular system during la­bor – in other words is based on muscular re­laxa­tion and harmonization. And this principle also found its expression in a substantial calming of the fetus during labor (please see corresponding measurements).
  • Abstinence from tranquilizers for children with hearing disorders: The children liked the treatment with MRT-Music® very much, for them it was a great subjective and calming experience, especially for the age group 13-14 years. Due to MRT-Music® we did not need to use tranquilizers during the treatment for most of the children.
  • Pain treatment during vacuum aspiration: 57% of the women experienced the operation as painless.
  • Increased strength and a more harmonic rhythm of uterine contractions: Significant changes could only be documented in the MRT-Music® group: the initial weak contractions of the uterus increased in strength by 60% on average and got more harmonious in rhythm.
  • Improved immune status in children with hearing abnormalities and suffering from radiation sickness: Two weeks after the treatment the immunogram of 25% of the patients was normal. Normalization regarded the AMG-factor, cel­lu­lar immunity and the t- and b-lymphocytes. In the rest of the patients immune status im­proved clearly.
  • Stimulation of too low hormone levels in patients severely sick from radiation disease with Autonomic Neural and Cerebrovascular Disturbances: Regarding ACTH and cortisol, no significant changes were registered. Not so with beta en­dor­phin: with each MRT-Music® treatment the output of the hormone got stimulated. After the 10th treatment the level had in­creased by 60% and reached its normal level.
  • Slowing Heart Rate in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: From the third treatment on an average re­duc­tion of 5 heart beats per minute during the relaxing music (±1) and 3,1 beats per minute (±1) during activating music was registered.
  • Release of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: The patients experienced very often a deep muscular relaxation combined with a sen­sa­tion of warmth and with ease and sleepiness. Furthermore the symptoms “bad mood“, “leth­argy“, “tension“ and “touchiness“ were sig­nifi­cantly reduced or even completely released. Over and over again they reported of a re­lease of stress, of the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind.
  • Reduction of headaches in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: The treatment was successful: at the end 15 patients were free of headaches, 5 experienced a clear im­prove­ment and 1 patient did not get better. Looking to the protocols of the patients writ­ten before and after each MRT-Music® treat­ment, it becomes obvious that MRT-Music® had an essential share in this. Here an ex­em­plary evaluation which documents the in­flu­ence of the Music®.
  • Stimulation of imagination in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Many of the patients reported of an intensive stimulation of their imagination and ex­peri­enced during listening to the music for in­stance “a forest”, “a lake”, “flowing water”, “sun light” and many other experiences.
  • Reducing dizziness in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Of the 25 patients 20 suffered from dizziness. Since the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® was part of a conventional treatment and there was no control group a result de­ter­min­able in percentage was not possible. The treatment was successful: at the end 14 pa­tients were free of dizziness and 6 ex­peri­enced a clear improvement.
  • Improved auditory memory in older patients with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: In most of the physical, psychological, sen­soric and mental performance parameter – except the parameter heart rate and anxiety – there were only slight but not statistically sig­nifi­cant changes registered after each treat­ment. But at the end of the 10 treatments clear changes in comparison to the beginning of the treatment had become obvious. This in­di­cates a training effect with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which probably will be of great value in chronic diseases. Regarding auditory memory the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 8,1% on average.
  • Enhanced psychomotoric speed in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: In most of the physical, psychological, sen­soric and mental performance parameter – except the parameter heart rate and anxiety – there were only slight but not statistically sig­nifi­cant changes registered after each treat­ment. But at the end of the 10 treatments clear and significant changes in comparison to the beginning of the treatment had become obvious. This indicates a training effect with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which probably will be of great value in chronic dis­eases.
  • Improved visual-motoric co-ordination in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding visual-motoric co-ordination the performance had improved after 10 treat­ments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Improving reaction precision in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: In most of the physical, psychological, sen­soric and mental performance parameter – except the parameter heart rate and anxiety – there were only slight but not statistically sig­nifi­cant changes registered after each treat­ment. But at the end of the 10 treatments clear changes in comparison to the beginning of the treatment had become obvious. This in­di­cates a training effect with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which probably will be of great value in chronic diseases. Regarding reaction precision the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Improved Visual short-term memory in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding visual short-term memory the per­form­ance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 9,6% on average.
  • Improved reaction speed in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding reaction speed the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Improved Concentration in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding concentration the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.
  • Improved learning ability in older people with atherosclerotic encephalopathy: Regarding learning ability the performance had improved after 10 treatments with MRT-Music® by 18% on average.



   If you want to look at the studies in detail, please visit:

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.