Periodic Duration

Pain Sensitivity

Activity Rhythms

Cosmic Rhythms

Endogenous Rhythms

Three Way Structure

Muscular Rhythms

Pain Wave Rhythms

Circulation & Respiration

Puls Breath Frequency

Rhythms in Sleep

Therapeutic Changes

Inhalation & Heart Period

Mother & Child

Heart & Arterial Oscillation

Phase Coordination

Walk & Heart Rhythm

Breathing & Heart Rhythm

Autonomic Rhythm

Hierarchy of Rhythms

Spontaneous Rhythms

Muscular Blood Circulation

Healing & Resistance

Spontaneous Rhythms





Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt  • Chronobiological Aspects of Music Physiology

In this con­text, it should also be of in­ter­est that the fre­quency and phase co-or­di­na­tion of the heart rhythms of mother and child in the womb also par­tici­pate in this noc­tur­nal in­ten­si­fi­ca­tion of the rhyth­mic func­tional or­ders. Thus, it could be proven that, while preg­nant women were asleep at night, not only is the heart rate ratio of mother and child more strictly ad­justed to the whole num­bered value of 1:2, but that, at the same time, a phase co-or­di­na­tion sets in dur­ing which the child’s heart beat pre­fers cer­tain phases of its mother’s heart beat. (il­lus­tra­tion 15). At the same time, this ex­ample makes the func­tional im­por­tance of har­monic co-or­di­na­tion be­tween rhyth­mic func­tions clear, as with cor­rect phase co-or­di­na­tion, an un­eco­nom­ical-si­mul­ta­ne­ous ar­ri­val of the mother’s and child’s pulse waves in the pla­centa can be avoided.

Illustration 15

Fre­quency dis­tri­bu­tions of 100 R-Point start­ing in the ECG of a preg­nant woman over the foe­tal heart rate meas­ured in the ECG by R-Point to R-Point and di­vided into 20 classes of 5% of the heart pe­ri­odic du­ra­tion.

Be­low: Fre­quency dis­tri­bu­tions of the foe­tal R-Point, start­ing with the mother’s heart pe­riod dur­ing the same test. The meas­ure­ments were car­ried out dur­ing the noc­tur­nal sleep of the preg­nant women. The Chi-square-val­ues refer to the de­via­tion of the class fre­quen­cies of the av­er­age ex­pected value (hatched hori­zon­tal).

(According to HILDEBRANDT and KLEIN 1979)

Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Mother & Child

RRR 942 Mother & Child / Pediatrics

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With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.