
Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

In the case of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, mu­sic is do­ing the work. Mu­sic is a fin­ished sys­tem and/or prod­uct. I only lis­ten to mu­sic, and mu­sic – I am talk­ing about har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic – pro­duces the same ef­fect as suc­cess­ful medi­ta­tion: it har­mo­nises and calms my in­ner hu­man pow­ers, and leads me to an in­ner peace: it stops the proc­ess of my think­ing, and in the most fa­vour­able case, when my think­ing stops, it leads me to a state of com­plete in­ner rest­ing alert­ness – and that this also hap­pens in time is our ex­peri­ence. This is then the spiri­tual as­pect of mu­sic struc­tured ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture, and it is in fact very im­por­tant for the strength­en­ing of our health.
And it is ab­so­lutely suf­fi­cient if we see this spiri­tual as­pect only un­der the point of view of our health – whether we look at it from a reli­gious point of view is in my opin­ion not im­por­tant.

Alone for our health, spiri­tu­al­ity as such is im­por­tant enough, be­cause strength­en­ing the soul and/or the ex­peri­ence of the soul is the natu­ral foun­da­tion of our health.

In our so-called “civi­lised world”, most peo­ple do not know their soul at all. Sauerbruch, a very fa­mous phy­si­cian dur­ing the time of the Third Reich – he was also Adolf Hitleṟs per­sonal phy­si­cian – once said: “I have op­er­ated on so many peo­ple, but never found a soul!”
But let us rather as­sume that we have a soul, and that its strengthening and har­moni­sa­tion is very im­por­tant to our health.

Even if out­side of this In­ter­na­tional Con­gress, part of the con­tem­po­rary sci­en­tific ex­perts is of a dif­fer­ent opin­ion, it seems im­por­tant to me to strengthen the soul as such, in or­der to pro­vide our­selves for our health – be­yond the large health mar­ket and health busi­ness – with fun­da­men­tal en­ergy of life, in­tel­li­gence of life and har­mony of life.

We only use Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for this like a guide to our in­ner world of think­ing. It is only a tool or a ve­hi­cle – but this har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic leads us to where the wa­ter of life wells up from our in­ner na­ture, so that we are able to drink it.
Whether we are really able to drink it or not, we must then see.

If I fall asleep dur­ing this de­ci­sive moment, I can­not drink, of course. But if I suc­ceed in stay­ing awake, I have ful­filled a good pre-con­di­tion to be able to drink at all.

And if I am able to stay awake there, where I do not think – at that in­ner source, where “my” think­ing springs from –, and if there be­yond think­ing I can be active as well as inactive with my innermost organs of knowl­edge: intellect, feeling and mind, then I am pre­pared enough to drink from the quali­ties of my soul:
All my in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge – my intellect, my feeling, my mind, my inner sense of per­cep­tion –, they can all live on my soul, they can “drink” its energy of life, intelligence of life and har­mony of life.

And they are only able to live on my soul any­way – they can­not absorb any nour­ish­ment from out­side – this is a cos­mic law and would be against na­ture.
We are here deal­ing with a closed in­ner world be­yond think­ing and/or within think­ing, as my in­ner pow­ers of life live within my mind as if in a house – just like my mind then li­ves in my body as if in a house.

But my soul has the natural power, the actual say.

Violin Concert No. 4
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.