
Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories

Peter Hübner
The Significance
of our Consciousness
to Medicine

Following: “The Significance of the Soul to Medicine”
– lecture held by the classical composer and musicologist at the “Eleventh International Congress on Stress” of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STRESS in Hawaii.
Medizin Aktuell: Herr Hübner, in the past seven years you were often in­vited as a speaker to the an­nual In­ter­na­tional Con­gress on Stress of the Ameri­can In­sti­tute of Stress, in or­der to talk about your thoughts on health, on your Medical Resonance Therapy Music® and the re­search and de­vel­op­ments in your Mi­cro Mu­sic La­bo­ra­to­ries.

As far as I know, you have ac­cepted these invi­ta­tions three times, and we have al­ready re­ported on this.
The last time you spoke again in Ha­waii at the “Elev­enth In­ter­na­tional Con­gress on Stress” of the Ameri­can In­sti­tute of Stress about your re­search work and de­vel­op­ment of the Mi­cro­cosm of Mu­sic and about the in­sights for the field of medi­cine con­nected with this – mainly, how­ever, you gave a sen­sa­tional lec­ture on the Sig­nifi­cance of the Soul in Medi­cine, and you spoke about health in such a way as had never been heard pre­vi­ously in mod­ern sci­en­tific medi­cine.

The other in­ter­na­tional select speak­ers, as well as the visi­tors to the con­gress were deeply im­pres­sed by your ex­cep­tional thoughts on health and dis­ease, and I have heard peo­ple say that this ap­par­ently was the most sen­sa­tional lec­ture of the whole in­ter­na­tional con­gress.
How did this talk come about?

Peter Hübner: Origi­nally, I only in­tended to talk about Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® – about our research work into the Mi­cro­cosm of Mu­sic, about new developments, and about new scientific study re­sults.
My talk was not sched­uled to take place un­til the Thurs­day – i.e. ap­proxi­mately the mid­dle of the week or even to­wards the end of the con­gress.

But when I heard the other sci­en­tific ex­perts from the fields of medi­cine, psy­chol­ogy, so­ci­ol­ogy, bi­ol­ogy, phys­ics, re­search into con­scious­ness and re­lig­ion talk­ing, I ex­peri­enced a to­tally new kind of dis­tinct spiri­tual at­mos­phere at the in­ter­na­tional con­gress in Ha­waii or­gan­ised by Prof Rosch, where top-flight sci­en­tists from many parts of the world were wor­ried in ear­nest about the fu­ture of life and the qual­ity of life on earth, and were mak­ing se­ri­ous ef­forts to find so­lu­tions, as well as try­ing to un­der­stand the over­all situa­tion from a sci­en­tific point of view.

I did not wish to dis­turb this de­cidedly honest, well-mean­ing at­mos­phere with my rather pro­fane talk on Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®. And I there­fore wished to give a talk, which was ap­pro­pri­ate for this spe­cial event of a, in my opin­ion, sig­nifi­cant medi­cal con­fer­ence on life and its natu­ral quali­ties.

Dur­ing this con­fer­ence – in con­trast to all the pre­vious con­fer­ences and al­most con­trary to eve­ry­thing, I had ex­peri­enced at other simi­lar sci­en­tific con­fer­ences – a change in trend to­wards an en­tirely new time of as­sess­ment of what to­day is called health, medi­cine, bi­ol­ogy, phys­ics, edu­ca­tion, so­ci­ol­ogy, psy­chol­ogy, con­scious­ness and re­lig­ion was re­vealed to me un­der the im­pres­sion of these deeply ear­nest peo­ple gath­ered to seek re­ali­sa­tion of a higher qual­ity of life.

And as fate some­times de­cides, on the day of my talk I wake up early in the morn­ing at 3.30 and had been pre­sented with the new lec­ture.
I sat down at once, and wrote down the main points. Well – and then I gave my talk.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
Digital Studio Recordings Under the Artistic, Scientific and Technical Direction of the Composer and Musicologist Peter Hübner
Listening Program:
General Stress Symptoms

RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms