
Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Never lose your con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence and learn through this ex­peri­ence to allow im­mor­tal­ity – be­cause mor­tal­ity or the ex­peri­ence of mor­tal­ity: deep sleep: the loss of your own con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence is the foun­da­tion of all kinds of fear.
It is not the lion or the tiger or any such thing that we are afraid of – no, the foun­da­tion of fear is the loss of knowl­edge of our own ex­is­tence, the loss of our own con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence: here lies the foun­da­tion of all fear. If I can there­fore remove deep sleep, and then be awake all the time, if I never lose my con­scious­ness, then all fear will dis­ap­pear in a natu­ral way; be­cause then deep in my inside, I will never again be sit­ting as if in a com­pletely dark room.
If, e.g. I never go into a dark room at all, then I do not have a rea­son to be afraid.

When peo­ple enter the dark, they start feel­ing afraid. Deep sleep is pure dark­ness, like a com­pletely dark room, no light, noth­ing – for this rea­son this natu­rally makes us afraid.

But when this dark room is brightly lit, then there is no more rea­son to be afraid – and the fear dis­ap­pears. That is why so many peo­ple say: “Oh, I am so often afraid!” and ob­tain Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic. And then they come and say: “I regu­larly lis­ten to this mu­sic, my fear has dis­ap­peared!”

That is un­der­stand­able and I know that this does not happen through my mu­sic that sud­denly they have lost their fear, but that they have only switched on their inner light with the help of the har­mony laws of na­ture, which conveys this mu­sic – that is all: they only light their flame of life, and all fear has gone.
This is noth­ing spe­cial, we are deal­ing here with a very natu­ral phe­nome­non.

There­fore Pythagoras says to the phi­loso­phers, sci­en­tists, think­ers and proph­ets:

“Do not speak with­out light!”

And this should be quite natu­ral for eve­ry­one – even with­out mu­sic. But unfor­tu­nately, we live in times, where this is not the case.

In Ger­many we talk about “Gesundheit” (health). “Gesundheit” origi­nally means “Gesonntheit”: to have been ex­posed to the sun, to have had the ra­dia­tion of the sun – “Gesundheit” there­fore means: to have re­ceived the ra­dia­tion of the sun.

Which sun are we talk­ing about?

Well, when I dream, I see the pic­tures of my dream – my mind work­ing like a screen. I see the pic­tures, I ex­peri­ence, and there is, of course, that light, which sup­plies the pic­tures of my dream ex­peri­ence. How­ever, as I am ly­ing in my bed in a dark room dur­ing the night, it is clear to me that this light is not com­ing from out­side – it must come from inside.

And if I ex­am­ine my in­ner light con­di­tions a bit more closely – some­thing that is also called the proc­ess of con­scious­ness de­vel­op­ment –, I no­tice that this light comes from within my self.
Like a sun, my inner self supplies the light for my entire thinking process, and therefore also for my dream ex­peri­ences.

And if I look at this from my very own view, I un­der­stand, what the word “Gesundheit”, means, at least in the Ger­man lan­guage – it means: the ef­fect of my in­ner sun­shine, the light of my inner sun of life.

The Art of the Feminine
With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.